Zinemaking Toolkit

Can you set up zinemaking toolkits for future drop-in use or ease of access… not all young people will feel comfortable engaging with the activity straight away, so providing soft access and further opportunities could be a valuable addition to any library setup.

This could be little Zine Toolboxes with everything you need to make a tiny zine in them, or space on a shelf OR to quote one anonymous librarian – “my zine making stuff is just in a chaos cupboard and present to be dragged out when asked for”.

Whatever you have is PERFECT!

You never know – you might get an impromptu Zine Club started, or that one kid might decide that tiny zines are how they do ALL their revision from now on


Tiny Zines are very popular with some teachers. If you work with teachers then zines are your friend – they provide a fun, accessible way of presenting information, whether that’s diagrams of a biological process, a week in the life of your novel’s protagonist, or a very elaborate maths equation explained by stickmen.


A snapshot of a day/week in student’s reading

First chapter of a shakespeare

5 Quotes from a Famous Figure

Build up a series of zines ie a zine per chapter, or character, or concept

Creating templates that the whole class would work on and fill in.

Double page spreads – same phrase, two different languages

Write a zine from the POV of a character

Five facts about this subject/book/chapter

Accessible note taking

Transition Buddies – P7 into S1, younger student fills one side and buddy does the other

Getting To Know You exercise, each page new information OR top 5 facts about yourself

Quick CLPL session with teachers – how to fold a zine and ideas for use