The number of people who declare themsleves “not creative” and therefore not able to come up with a zine idea is… too many people! And they all have a great zine inside them!


BUT… having the inspiration slips on hand – maybe cut up and placed in the Jar of Inspiration to be randomly picked (?!) – could help get past that initial point of STUCK.


And if in doubt – know that ‘My Top 5 _____’ is ALWAYS a winner, and fits perfectly in a tiny zine, a page per entry!

The BEST form of inspiration is other zines – feel free to lead zinemakers towards the History of Zines tiny zine trilogy, and the other zines on display.

If you want to add to, or more specifically curate, the zines from the Starter Library, below are some places that you can find and download some more Tiny Zines


– The POC Zine Project

– Sherwood Forest Zine Library

– DC Punk Archive Zine Library